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donation categories

Donation Categories

Here at GoodBeads, our mission is to raise funds for environmental conservation efforts across the globe through the purchase of our handmade jewelry. We make a $5.00 donation with every item sold toward like-minded nonprofits who share in our vision. All donations received help to fund conservation efforts in three categories: rainforests, oceans, and wildlife. We make donations annually, and split funds evenly amongst all three categories. For each category, we’ve carefully chosen the organizations listed below to donate our proceeds to.


Rainforests are safe havens for so many threatened and endangered species in addition to supporting nearly 50% of the planet’s terrestrial biodiversity. Rainforests are delicate ecosystems that are rapidly depleting due to deforestation and land degradation as a result of human activities. Your donation helps fund the organizations below who work to preserve and restore these biological corridors and species-rich rainforests. Not only will your donation help to protect these species-rich forests but also will go towards ensuring sustainable livelihoods of local populations and transforming land-use practices. Organizations we donate to:


We all know that the rate at which wildlife populations are decreasing is unnatural. Wildlife faces the threats of climate change, habitat loss, habitat degradation, natural resource exploitation and more as a result of human impact. Your donation helps support the organizations listed below that work to protect our wild habitats as well as promote sustainable human livelihoods in order to live in harmony on this planet. Organizations we donate to:


Oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, regulating climate and providing a home to most of this planet’s species. Despite how precious we know our oceans are, overharvesting and pollution are constantly threatening the balance and integrity of marine ecosystems. Donations made in this category help fund initiatives that confront overfishing and develop regulations around coastal habitat protection. With your help, we can work to restore the natural balance of our oceans. Organizations we donate to:

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